About Me

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Lapsed anthropologist-turned-burlesque performer and post-modern punk housewife/homesteader living in the beautiful Pacific Northwest with a hunky husband, gorgeous daughter, adorable corgi, fluffy rabbit, and three clucking fabulous chickens.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Introducing Bird Hearts Bug Photography!

After spending some time in front of the lens, I've decided to try branching out into doing some photography of my own! Mr. Bear spoiled me this past Christmas by getting me some photography equipment, and we turned the guest room into a studio of sorts. It started from a desire to continue with my pinup work as a compliment to my burlesque performing, but having trouble getting in with the pinup photographers. I figured why not set up a little studio and take my own pinup shots? DIY is kind of my thing.

 A Valentine-themed boudoir shoot.

My beautiful friend graciously allowed me to practice on her, and after a particularly productive afternoon, I had a collection of seventy edited photos for her to give her fiance on Valentine's Day. They were both pretty pleased with the results, so I'm heartened.
I'm hoping that there will be enough of a market at our next duty station for me to do more shoots. They're a lot of fun, and I'd like to be able to support my photography equipment habit! Backdrops are expensive.

Family shoot outdoors. The frost was so gorgeous that day.

My sweet chubby little pumpkin.

We'll see how it goes. I have a few more projects in the works, but I really have no idea how to go about marketing or building a clientele. I am enjoying the process a lot, though!

Check out Bird Hearts Bug Photography's Facebook page for updates! I'd be chuffed if you'd give it a like!
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