As part of our preparations for relocating to England, we had to find a new home for our hens. It's bittersweet, we will miss them so, but luckily a chicken-savvy friend offered to take them and integrate them into her own small flock and give them a forever-home. It definitely helps knowing that they're in good hands and will have good lives without us.
Ada really stepped up and became a good alpha hen after we lost Rosie and then Ruth to predation. She always looked out for Marie.
It was nice seeing them pal around the yard together after each had lost her best flockmate. Marie had been close with Rosie, and Ada with Ruth.
We spent their last day here hanging out with them in the sunshine.
June enjoyed watching the silly chickens scratching and pecking around in the grass.
We had most of the day with them, but then it was time for last goodbyes.
It might seem overly sentimental to some, being so attached to chickens, but they were our pets and we love them. Next week we'll be saying goodbye to our rabbit, Butters. This new adventure we're about to begin is exciting, but there is a lot we have to sacrifice to get there.