About Me

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Lapsed anthropologist-turned-burlesque performer and post-modern punk housewife/homesteader living in the beautiful Pacific Northwest with a hunky husband, gorgeous daughter, adorable corgi, fluffy rabbit, and three clucking fabulous chickens.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Spring? Finally? No...

Yesterday was gorgeous, today is even more beautiful, but it's all just teasing because in a couple of days it's supposed to start raining, and not stop for over a week. As long as I don't wake up to snow again like last week, it'll be okay.
I bought a picnic basket yesterday and filled it with tiny jars of fancy mustard and other condiments. All I need now are a kite and some nice weather on the weekend and good times will be had by all. I can get some awesome cheese from that cheese market: http://www.saunderscheesemarket.com/
Has anyone else seen that 17 Again movie with the kid from that Disney musical? Its just like all those other Freaky Friday-Big-13 Going On 30-type movies, but it was cute.
I also seriously need to get motivated to do some actual work if I want to indeed graduate in June. I'm so tired, even though I've been getting lots of sleep. Maybe I need to start taking vitamins again.


  1. I suggest that we host a series of goth picnics upon your arrival! Black parasols, Lolita dresses and obscene amounts of make-up… all over tea and tiny sandwiches! Yes, I am also thinking about Neil Gaiman- even now. Rawr.

  2. That sounds wonderful! But, won't it be a bit warm in summer for lolita dresses? Tea and tiny sandwiches are always delicious, but may I also suggest you break in that madeleine pan for the picnics as well?


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